Gay movies on hulu 2021

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Understated, unexpected, and just plain good, Disobedience is the classic tale of love that just doesn’t die. Here are my top eight picks of movies featuring women-loving-women romances that are just a sign-in to Netflix or Hulu away.

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And what would you know? I think I finally have a solid list of non-cringey, actually good movie romances between women. Though a treacherous time-especially when you account for the borderline concerning number of LGBTQ+ movies clearly made for a straight audience than the community they were supposed to represent-I watched all the women-loving-women movies I could find. So in what might have been an unhealthy level of competition with no one other than myself, I set out to watch every single movie that features two women in a relationship, romance, or even the classic situationship on good ol’ Netflix and Hulu.

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